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제롬 파월 연준 의장의 잭슨홀 연설(영문)

기사입력 : 2023년08월25일 23:17

최종수정 : 2023년08월26일 00:20

[휴스턴=뉴스핌] 고인원 특파원= 제롬 파월 연준 의장은 2023년 8월 25일 잭슨홀 심포지엄에서 '글로벌 경제의 구조적 변화'을 주제로 연설했다.

이날 파월은 "인플레이션이 여전히 높으며 적절하다고 판단되면 추가 금리 인상이 가능하다"는 매파 발언으로 시장에 충격파를 던졌다.

다음은 미 연준 홈페이지에 게재된 파월 의장의 연설문 전문이다. 원문 그대로 게재한다.

Good morning. At last year's Jackson Hole symposium, I delivered a brief, direct message. My remarks this year will be a bit longer, but the message is the same: It is the Fed's job to bring inflation down to our 2 percent goal, and we will do so. We have tightened policy significantly over the past year. Although inflation has moved down from its peak—a welcome development—it remains too high. We are prepared to raise rates further if appropriate, and intend to hold policy at a restrictive level until we are confident that inflation is moving sustainably down toward our objective.

Today I will review our progress so far and discuss the outlook and the uncertainties we face as we pursue our dual mandate goals. I will conclude with a summary of what this means for policy. Given how far we have come, at upcoming meetings we are in a position to proceed carefully as we assess the incoming data and the evolving outlook and risks.

The Decline in Inflation So Far
The ongoing episode of high inflation initially emerged from a collision between very strong demand and pandemic-constrained supply. By the time the Federal Open Market Committee raised the policy rate in March 2022, it was clear that bringing down inflation would depend on both the unwinding of the unprecedented pandemic-related demand and supply distortions and on our tightening of monetary policy, which would slow the growth of aggregate demand, allowing supply time to catch up. While these two forces are now working together to bring down inflation, the process still has a long way to go, even with the more favorable recent readings.

On a 12-month basis, U.S. total, or "headline," PCE (personal consumption expenditures) inflation peaked at 7 percent in June 2022 and declined to 3.3 percent as of July, following a trajectory roughly in line with global trends (figure 1, panel A).1 The effects of Russia's war against Ukraine have been a primary driver of the changes in headline inflation around the world since early 2022. Headline inflation is what households and businesses experience most directly, so this decline is very good news. But food and energy prices are influenced by global factors that remain volatile, and can provide a misleading signal of where inflation is headed. In my remaining comments, I will focus on core PCE inflation, which omits the food and energy components.

On a 12-month basis, core PCE inflation peaked at 5.4 percent in February 2022 and declined gradually to 4.3 percent in July (figure 1, panel B). The lower monthly readings for core inflation in June and July were welcome, but two months of good data are only the beginning of what it will take to build confidence that inflation is moving down sustainably toward our goal. We can't yet know the extent to which these lower readings will continue or where underlying inflation will settle over coming quarters. Twelve-month core inflation is still elevated, and there is substantial further ground to cover to get back to price stability.

To understand the factors that will likely drive further progress, it is useful to separately examine the three broad components of core PCE inflation—inflation for goods, for housing services, and for all other services, sometimes referred to as nonhousing services (figure 2).

Core goods inflation has fallen sharply, particularly for durable goods, as both tighter monetary policy and the slow unwinding of supply and demand dislocations are bringing it down. The motor vehicle sector provides a good illustration. Earlier in the pandemic, demand for vehicles rose sharply, supported by low interest rates, fiscal transfers, curtailed spending on in-person services, and shifts in preference away from using public transportation and from living in cities. But because of a shortage of semiconductors, vehicle supply actually fell. Vehicle prices spiked, and a large pool of pent-up demand emerged. As the pandemic and its effects have waned, production and inventories have grown, and supply has improved. At the same time, higher interest rates have weighed on demand. Interest rates on auto loans have nearly doubled since early last year, and customers report feeling the effect of higher rates on affordability.2 On net, motor vehicle inflation has declined sharply because of the combined effects of these supply and demand factors.

Similar dynamics are playing out for core goods inflation overall. As they do, the effects of monetary restraint should show through more fully over time. Core goods prices fell the past two months, but on a 12-month basis, core goods inflation remains well above its pre-pandemic level. Sustained progress is needed, and restrictive monetary policy is called for to achieve that progress.

In the highly interest-sensitive housing sector, the effects of monetary policy became apparent soon after liftoff. Mortgage rates doubled over the course of 2022, causing housing starts and sales to fall and house price growth to plummet. Growth in market rents soon peaked and then steadily declined (figure 3).3

Measured housing services inflation lagged these changes, as is typical, but has recently begun to fall. This inflation metric reflects rents paid by all tenants, as well as estimates of the equivalent rents that could be earned from homes that are owner occupied.4 Because leases turn over slowly, it takes time for a decline in market rent growth to work its way into the overall inflation measure. The market rent slowdown has only recently begun to show through to that measure. The slowing growth in rents for new leases over roughly the past year can be thought of as "in the pipeline" and will affect measured housing services inflation over the coming year. Going forward, if market rent growth settles near pre-pandemic levels, housing services inflation should decline toward its pre-pandemic level as well. We will continue to watch the market rent data closely for a signal of the upside and downside risks to housing services inflation.

The final category, nonhousing services, accounts for over half of the core PCE index and includes a broad range of services, such as health care, food services, transportation, and accommodations. Twelve-month inflation in this sector has moved sideways since liftoff. Inflation measured over the past three and six months has declined, however, which is encouraging. Part of the reason for the modest decline of nonhousing services inflation so far is that many of these services were less affected by global supply chain bottlenecks and are generally thought to be less interest sensitive than other sectors such as housing or durable goods. Production of these services is also relatively labor intensive, and the labor market remains tight. Given the size of this sector, some further progress here will be essential to restoring price stability. Over time, restrictive monetary policy will help bring aggregate supply and demand back into better balance, reducing inflationary pressures in this key sector.

The Outlook
Turning to the outlook, although further unwinding of pandemic-related distortions should continue to put some downward pressure on inflation, restrictive monetary policy will likely play an increasingly important role. Getting inflation sustainably back down to 2 percent is expected to require a period of below-trend economic growth as well as some softening in labor market conditions.

Economic growth
Restrictive monetary policy has tightened financial conditions, supporting the expectation of below-trend growth.5 Since last year's symposium, the two-year real yield is up about 250 basis points, and longer-term real yields are higher as well—by nearly 150 basis points.6 Beyond changes in interest rates, bank lending standards have tightened, and loan growth has slowed sharply.7 Such a tightening of broad financial conditions typically contributes to a slowing in the growth of economic activity, and there is evidence of that in this cycle as well. For example, growth in industrial production has slowed, and the amount spent on residential investment has declined in each of the past five quarters (figure 4).

But we are attentive to signs that the economy may not be cooling as expected. So far this year, GDP (gross domestic product) growth has come in above expectations and above its longer-run trend, and recent readings on consumer spending have been especially robust. In addition, after decelerating sharply over the past 18 months, the housing sector is showing signs of picking back up. Additional evidence of persistently above-trend growth could put further progress on inflation at risk and could warrant further tightening of monetary policy.

The labor market
The rebalancing of the labor market has continued over the past year but remains incomplete. Labor supply has improved, driven by stronger participation among workers aged 25 to 54 and by an increase in immigration back toward pre-pandemic levels. Indeed, the labor force participation rate of women in their prime working years reached an all-time high in June. Demand for labor has moderated as well. Job openings remain high but are trending lower. Payroll job growth has slowed significantly. Total hours worked has been flat over the past six months, and the average workweek has declined to the lower end of its pre-pandemic range, reflecting a gradual normalization in labor market conditions (figure 5).

This rebalancing has eased wage pressures. Wage growth across a range of measures continues to slow, albeit gradually (figure 6). While nominal wage growth must ultimately slow to a rate that is consistent with 2 percent inflation, what matters for households is real wage growth. Even as nominal wage growth has slowed, real wage growth has been increasing as inflation has fallen.

We expect this labor market rebalancing to continue. Evidence that the tightness in the labor market is no longer easing could also call for a monetary policy response.

Uncertainty and Risk Management along the Path Forward
Two percent is and will remain our inflation target. We are committed to achieving and sustaining a stance of monetary policy that is sufficiently restrictive to bring inflation down to that level over time. It is challenging, of course, to know in real time when such a stance has been achieved. There are some challenges that are common to all tightening cycles. For example, real interest rates are now positive and well above mainstream estimates of the neutral policy rate. We see the current stance of policy as restrictive, putting downward pressure on economic activity, hiring, and inflation. But we cannot identify with certainty the neutral rate of interest, and thus there is always uncertainty about the precise level of monetary policy restraint.

That assessment is further complicated by uncertainty about the duration of the lags with which monetary tightening affects economic activity and especially inflation. Since the symposium a year ago, the Committee has raised the policy rate by 300 basis points, including 100 basis points over the past seven months. And we have substantially reduced the size of our securities holdings. The wide range of estimates of these lags suggests that there may be significant further drag in the pipeline.

Beyond these traditional sources of policy uncertainty, the supply and demand dislocations unique to this cycle raise further complications through their effects on inflation and labor market dynamics. For example, so far, job openings have declined substantially without increasing unemployment—a highly welcome but historically unusual result that appears to reflect large excess demand for labor. In addition, there is evidence that inflation has become more responsive to labor market tightness than was the case in recent decades.8 These changing dynamics may or may not persist, and this uncertainty underscores the need for agile policymaking.

These uncertainties, both old and new, complicate our task of balancing the risk of tightening monetary policy too much against the risk of tightening too little. Doing too little could allow above-target inflation to become entrenched and ultimately require monetary policy to wring more persistent inflation from the economy at a high cost to employment. Doing too much could also do unnecessary harm to the economy.

As is often the case, we are navigating by the stars under cloudy skies. In such circumstances, risk-management considerations are critical. At upcoming meetings, we will assess our progress based on the totality of the data and the evolving outlook and risks. Based on this assessment, we will proceed carefully as we decide whether to tighten further or, instead, to hold the policy rate constant and await further data. Restoring price stability is essential to achieving both sides of our dual mandate. We will need price stability to achieve a sustained period of strong labor market conditions that benefit all.

We will keep at it until the job is done.


[뉴스핌 베스트 기사]

"딥시크 부당하게 데이터 수집했을 수도" [뉴욕=뉴스핌] 김민정 특파원 = 미국 인공지능(AI) 스타트업 오픈AI는 중국 딥시크(DeepSeek)가 부당하게 회사의 데이터를 수집했을 가능성을 제기했다. 29일(현지시간) 뉴욕타임스(NYT)에 따르면 오픈AI는 딥시크가 오픈AI 기술로 생성한 데이터를 사용해 자체 시스템에 비슷한 기술을 훈련했을 가능성이 있다고 밝혔다. AI 업계에서 훈련에 사용되는 디스틸레이션(distillation) 기법은 흔하지만, 오픈AI는 서비스 약관에 같은 시장에서 경쟁할 기술을 만들어내기 위해 오픈AI의 시스템이 생성해 낸 데이터를 사용하지 못한다고 명시하고 있다. 오픈AI의 리즈 부르주아 대변인은 NYT에 보내 이메일에서 "우리는 중국의 조직들이 미국 AI 모델을 복제하기 위해 디스틸레이션으로 알려진 것을 포함한 방법을 사용해 활발히 작업 중이라는 사실을 알고 있다"고 설명했다. 그러면서 "우리는 그것을 인지하고 있으며 딥시크가 부적절하게 우리 모델을 디스틸레이션 했다는 징조를 검토하고 있고 더 많은 것을 알게 되면 공유할 것"이라고 덧붙였다. 딥시크는 지난주 R1 모델을 내놓으며 전 세계 AI 혁신을 주도하고 있다고 믿어온 실리콘밸리를 충격에 빠뜨렸다. 딥시크는 R1 모델 개발에 단 2개월의 시간과 600만 달러 미만의 자금이 소요됐다고 밝히며 그동안 실리콘밸리의 천문학적인 투자를 무색하게 했다. 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령은 딥시크의 개발이 긍정적이라면서도 미국 기업들에 경종을 울렸다고 평가했다. 이날 상원 인사청문회에 나선 하워드 러트닉 상무장관 지명자는 딥시크가 도난당한 미국 기술과 첨단 미국 반도체를 활용해 저렴하게 강력한 AI 모델을 개발할 수 있었다면서 미국이 AI 분야에서 리더십을 유지하기 위해 사이버 보안에 대한 미국 표준과 유사하게 글로벌 표준을 창출하기 위한 모델을 설정해야 한다고 강조했다. 오픈AI 챗GPT와 딥시크.[사진=로이터 뉴스핌] 2025.01.28 mj72284@newspim.com mj72284@newspim.com 2025-01-30 03:07
여야, 설 이후 전력망법 등 입법 본격화 [서울=뉴스핌] 김가희 기자 = 설 연휴 이후 국회의 민생 행보에 관심이 집중된다. 우선 여야는 국가기간전력망 확충 특별법을 포함한 주요 에너지·산업 법안의 조속한 처리를 위해 협상에 들어갈 예정이다. '12·29 여객기 참사 진상규명과 피해자 및 유가족 피해 구제를 위한 특별위원회(여객기 참사 특위)'와 국정협의회 등도 본격 가동될 전망이다. [서울=뉴스핌] 정일구 기자 = 다사다난했던 2024년 갑진년(甲辰年)이 저물고 있다. '푸른 용의 해' 우리는 더 높게 비상하는 한 해가 되길 바랐지만 현실은 녹록지 않았다. 4·10 총선 결과로 22대 국회의 '여소야대' 국면부터 이상기후로 인한 농산물 등 물가 상승까지 서민들의 부담은 가중됐다. 초유의 12·3 비상계엄 사태와 이어진 윤석열 대통령 탄핵소추안 가결, 무안공항 여객기 참사까지 쉴 틈 없는 아픔의 연속이었다. 다가오는 2025년 을사년(乙巳年)은 푸른 뱀의 기운으로 우리 모두가 꺾이지 않고 희망의 한 해가 되길 기대해 본다. 사진은 서울 여의도 서울달에서 바라본 국회 모습. 2024.12.31 mironj19@newspim.com 29일 정치권에 따르면 여야 정책위의장은 지난 22일 국회에서 만나 '첨단산업 에너지 3법(국가기간전력망 확충 특별법·해상풍력발전 보급 촉진 특별법·고준위 방사성 폐기물 관리에 관한 특별법)' 처리에 공감대를 형성했다. 김상훈 국민의힘 정책위의장은 회동을 마친 뒤 "지난해 11월에 합의했던 법안이 있다"며 "처리하기로 합의했던 법안 63건 중 본회의에서 통과된 게 24건이고, 나머지 법안 39건은 아마 더불어민주당도 합의 처리하는 데 특별한 그것(이견)은 없는 것 같다"고 밝혔다. 국가기간전력망 확충 특별법은 정부 차원의 개입으로 전력망 구축 사업 인허가 절차를 대폭 개선하는 것을 골자로 한다. 해상풍력 특별법은 민간사업자가 주도하던 해상풍력 사업을 정부 주도 방식으로 전환하는 내용이다. 고준위 방폐장법은 원자력 발전 과정에서 발생하는 고준위 폐기물(사용후핵연료)을 영구적으로 처리하기 위한 방안을 담고 있다. 다만 에너지 3법과 함께 '미래 먹거리 4법'으로 불리는 반도체산업 특별법은 '주52시간 근무제 예외(화이트칼라 이그젬션) 조항'을 두고 추가 논의가 필요한 상황이다. 국민의힘은 '반도체 산업 경쟁력 확보를 위해서는 예외 조항이 필요하다'는 입장이지만, 민주당은 다음 달 초 토론회를 열고 최종 입장을 결정할 예정이다. 지난해 12월 29일 무안국제공항에서 일어난 제주항공 여객기 참사 관련 국회 특별위원회도 활동을 이어간다. 여객기 참사 특위는 오는 2월 6일 전체회의를 열고 국토교통부·행정안전부·보건복지부 등을 상대로 현안 질의를 실시할 계획이다. 이 밖에도 여야는 국정협의회 가동을 위한 논의에 나설 것으로 관측된다. 12·3 비상계엄 사태 후 국정 혼란 수습을 위해 마련된 국정협의회는 지난 9일 첫 실무회의를 열고 참석자 및 공식 명칭 등을 확정했다. 협의회 참석자는 최상목 대통령 권한대행 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관, 우원식 국회의장, 권영세 국민의힘 비상대책위원장, 이재명 민주당 대표 등 4명이다. 그러나 여야가 추가경정예산(추경) 편성 등을 두고 이견을 좁히지 못하며 협의회는 사실상 좌초된 상태다. 양당 정책위의장은 지난 22일 국정협의회 실무 협의를 진행했으나, 성과를 얻지 못했다. 여야가 설 이후 본격적인 민생 행보에 나설 경우 협의회 가동에도 속도가 붙을 전망이다. [서울=뉴스핌] 윤창빈 기자 = 9일 오전 서울 여의도 국회에서 국회-정부-국정협의체 실무협의가 열리고 있다. 이날 실무협의에는 김상훈 국민의힘 정책위의장, 진성준 더불어민주당 정책위의장, 방기선 국무조정실장, 김범석 기획재정부 1차관 등이 참석했다. 2025.01.09 pangbin@newspim.com rkgml925@newspim.com 2025-01-29 07:00
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